dermatology Kiki Falconer dermatology Kiki Falconer

Skin Cancer Prevention

Southern California is rich in sun, which makes it more important to schedule yearly skin exams to check your moles for change and abnormalities. Monitoring, early detection, and mole removal are key to reducing your risk of skin cancer.

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dermatology, color, texture Kiki Falconer dermatology, color, texture Kiki Falconer

Acne Program

A multi-faceted approach for adolescents and adults experiencing acne with a multifaceted program tailored for your skin. We use a combination of advanced treatments, customiozed skincare, steroid interventions, and/or medication, all prescribed by Dr. Helton and meticulously performed by our Certified Dermatological Assistants and skilled estheticians.

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dermatology Kiki Falconer dermatology Kiki Falconer


Hyperhidrosis is a condition marked by excessive sweating, beyond the effects of heat, exercise, or stress. It mainly affects hands, feet, underarms, or face, and can disrupt your life and cause emotional distress. However, there are ways to treat it, both long-term and short-term.

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dermatology Kiki Falconer dermatology Kiki Falconer

Wart Removal

Using microwave technology to remove warts, Swift provides a novel, fast, and precise method of wart removal with minimal scarring and post-procedural pain. Dr. Helton is the only provider of this treatment in Orange County.

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dermatology Kiki Falconer dermatology Kiki Falconer

Skin Disorders

Skin disorders, such as hives or eczema, vary greatly in symptoms and severity. Dr. Helton has over 20 years of experience treating various skin disorders through the latest medical, pharmaceutical, and natural treatments.

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